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to grow your business.

HUNTSVILLE PR :Helping Small Business with Web Development and Online Marketing

Hi Guys This is the Real Deal Neal, here. I am making changes to the site from a site dedicated to news and other issues in the Alabama area to a site dedicated to its real intended purpose: to educated others about web development, seo, affiliate

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Let Us Discuss Your Next Web Project We Can Help You: Build an Attractive Online Presence Drive traffic to your web site Attract more customers Generate more sales Call Us: 256-361-9080 [contact-form]

Domain Name Registration: 8 things to look for before buying a domain name

If you are in the process of taking your business online and are considering buying a domain name for your business, it is important to consider how domain name can impact your website ranking, and yes, website traffic, before registering one for you

How to automatically add Google ads in the center of your wordpress post using php codes

For a long time now I have been thinking about automatically adding ads at the center of every post of my wordpress blog. I just thought that by doing this one can have greater flexibility over blog or any web site ad placement. So, recent I gave it

4 ways to Learn Web Design and Web Development in Huntsville Alabama

If you are an aspiring techie or you just want to learn more about web design and web development, or perhaps you just want to learn how to promote your business online, there are a number of groups and organizations in Huntsville to help you through

Xampp Installation Problems and Solutions

I recently install xampp on my desktop computer and encounter a few problems which I was able to overcome. I thought I would post them here with the hope of helping someone avoid some of the dilemmas that I went through. I am doing this, also, beca

19 Questions to Ask a Web Design Company Before Paying for Web design Services

One of the key decision a small business has to make is what marketing strategy to use to increase business and create better communication with customers. With an increase number of your Huntsville customers searching online for your business and

Keyword Research for Website SEO Ranking

Keywords play an important role in making the article identified with website by SEO ranking process. SEO Optimization refers to the process of increasing the visibility of websites in the net with the help of Keyword saturation and effective content

UAH PHP / MYSQL Web Development Classes

The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) is offering an advance PHP/MySQL class for three weeks this summer. The Advanced PHP/MySQL Techniques course is scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday, starting on 06/08/10 and ending on 07/01/10. It shou

7 ways to Add Security to Your Website

If you have been doing web design or web development work or you just own a website, there comes a time when you may need to block user access to pages with sensitive information such as users phone number, social security numbers and other data clas

How to create more than one random id for mysql query

I was recently working on a site constructed with php / mysql. I was generating data from a table with more than 80,000 rows. The mysql query was set up like this $result = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM table WHERE content != '' AND id = RAND() LIM

Mysql php command for add delete alter columns and tables

There are so many php and mysql functions, tips and tricks that it is literally impossible for the average developer to remember every code when programming. When I am working on tables and columns PhpMyAdmin or just from straight php pages I sometim

How to extract images from html content in php and display excerpt

There are many ways of extracting an image from content with php, but recently I was working on a project and I wanted an easy way to extract without too much work, too much coding, that is. The idea was to access a database and display content in

How to add javascript confirmation prompt to delete button in php

If you have created back-end for your clients to add, edit and delete content it would be prudent to add a confirmation prompt. This will ask the editor whether or not he/ she is serious about deleted the mysql row. This is used as a precaution as th

How to change tinymce default font or text size

Everyone has a favorite text editor, but my favorite is Tinymce; it is simple and I love simplicity. However, like everything else, nothing is never 100 percent. The only drawback with Tinymce is the default text / font size of its html editor. The f

SEO on Huntsville Hair Restoration Clinic Laser Hair Transplant Website

Recently I had the opportunity to do some search engine optimization (SEO) for one of Alabama's best hair restoration clinic. Steve Latham Hair Transplant Clinic is great clinic with cutting edge laser hair transplant techniques such as Long Strand H

How to copy a table in phpmyadmin

If you dabble with phpmyadmin as much as I do, then you know how just a few simple codes can make work much easier. There are two ways to copy a table in phpmyadmin. The first way is to make a dump copy of your table (export table) and then import

How Websites Make Profits? - EBay Businesses

Websites like Google and E-bay provide us with a hell lot of information, beyond our imaginations. Whatever you need from cooking recipe to Nobel Prize winning graphene mono layered carbon. All the information is available in depth and there is nothi

Web Design Mistakes Small Businesses Should Avoid

The website for a small business owner is the central hub for the company and is an essential part in marketing and branding. Potential customers will visit your website especially when it has good content that suits its appearance and for the ea

Website redesign Huntsville Alabama: 11 reasons Why you should redesign your web site

Does your website reflect your company's objective? Is your website layout and color scheme consistent with your logo and product offering? Is your website user friendly? Have you changed your website content within the last 12 months? Does your w

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